Because your health comes first…
Don’t miss this opportunity! To commemorate World Obesity Day and World Diabetes Day we are beginning a campaign in which we will offer a one-time discount of 3,200 € for those cases where BMI > 35 Kg/m2. With this offer we hope to do our part in solving the grave health problems produced by what is now being called the “epidemic of the 21st century.”
Today, sleeve gastrectomy is the most effective surgical treatment for morbid obesity, encouraging rapid and ongoing weight loss.
Spectacular results with complete patient satisfaction.
At Servicio Médico Quirógico de Madrid we offer you the safety and security that comes with being in the hands of a multidisciplinary team of doctors dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of your case before, during, and after surgery.
Surgery with the most advanced techniques and treatments
We work exclusively with leading insurance companies in the healthcare field such as Adeslas, Asisa, DKV, Winterhur, Mapfre, Unión Madrileña de Seguros, Caser, Grupo HNA, Muface, Medifiatc o Aegon.
There are financing options available for your bariatric surgery procedure.
Consult with us to learn more!
*Surgery is not included in the societies. Only consultations and certain analyses.
Stomach reduction techniques
There are many weight reduction methods, however, no single method will be perfect or valid for every patient. Selecting the appropriate surgical procedure will mainly depend on the patient’s medical profile and the opinion of the bariatric surgeon.
At our medical center, bariatric surgeries have a low rate of complications. The most common procedures are Sleeve Gastrectomy, or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, and Gastric Bypass surgery. However, despite the fact that both have excellent results, there are fewer complications associated with the first option
Sleeve or Vertical Gastrectomy surgery. What does it consist of?
This particular technique of bariatric surgery consists of the removal of a large part of the stomach (approx. 80% of its volume), thus limiting the entry of food. The subsequent effective weight loss is due to the fact that Ghrelin (the appetite stimulating hormone) is found in the section of the stomach that has been removed promoting a premature sensation of fullness.
The procedure is carried out via laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgery that contributes to the patient’s quick recovery and an anticipated return to normal life.
*Sleeve gastrectomy is currently the safest and most effective treatment for controlling obesity and obesity-related illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and others.
The cost of stomach reduction in Madrid will depend on the surgical technique that is best adapted to the needs of the patient. For World Obesity Day and World Diabetes Day our clinic is offering a discount of 3,200 €, the price of the sleeve gastrectomy being 8,800 €, with financing options and free initial consultation.
The bariatric specialists of Servicio Médico Quirúrgico de Madrid

Dr. Ignacio Javier Calleja Kempin
General and Gastrointestinal Surgeon
Chief of Service. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid. Specialization through the MIR system at Hospital 12 de Octubre. Fellowship in Esophageal-Gastric Surgery at the University of Chicago, United States.

Dr. Oreste Lo Iacono
Dr. Oreste Lo Iacono renowned specialist in Gastroenterology (Gastrointestinal Illnesses

Dr. Raffaele Carraro
Specialist in Endocrinology dedicated to the comprehensive treatment of morbid obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Dietician and Nutritionist at Servicio Médico-Quirúrgico de Madrid.
Identification and Treatment

Our group of medical specialists, led by D. Javier Calleja Kempin, will examine your health status in order to recommend the treatment that is most aligned with your needs and best adapted to your physical condition and goals.
If we determine that you are fit for the intervention, we will generally opt for sleeve gastrectomy given the optimal results this treatment achieves for long-term weight loss and maintenance.

Our team of specialists will request the test studies and reports relevant to your case. In the majority of cases you will be considered eligible as long as you meet the following prerequisites: Body Mass Index (BMI) > 35 kg/m2 with associated illnesses (diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea) or BMI > 40 kg/m2 without alcoholism, drug addiction, psychiatric illnesses, or active tumor diseases that might compromise the outcome of the surgery.

Vertical gastrectomy (sleeve-gastrectomy): Consists of the reduction of a large portion of the stomach, by way of a partial extirpation, in order to limit food intake and stimulate a premature feeling of fullness through hormonal mechanisms.
Duodenal switch: The combination of a vertical sleeve gastrectomy with a gastric bypass from the duodenum to the middle of the digestive tract, leaving just 250-300cm of the absorptive surface of the stomach, instead of the usual 5 – 6 meters.

After surgery, our endocrinologists and dieticians will closely follow your case in order to ensure the weight loss plan is progressing as expected.
This is a critical phase given that the success of the operation will largely depend on the correct and progressive adaptation to new eating habits.
Still have doubts? Give us a call!
What are the advantages of sleeve gastrectomy?
Because it is a restrictive procedure, only the ingestion of food is limited and not the absorption of nutrients. For this reason, there tend to be fewer drawbacks that might otherwise affect the patient’s quality of life. This will also lead to less hormonal secretion meaning that the feeling of satiety may be reached more quickly. In addition, when performed by laparoscopy, complications are generally minimized, thus reducing patient recovery time.
What are the risks?
Although uncommon (around 1%), as with any surgical intervention there may be risks such as hemorrhage, infections, or stitch failure. As it were, obese patients are more likely to exhibit certain symptoms related to the disease. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that these surgical interventions be carried out only by highly qualified and experienced professionals with access to facilities equipped for this kind of surgery.
Loose skin?
Even though skin is known for its elasticity, over time it tends to lose its capacity to adapt to changes. For this reason, some patients of an advanced age will turn to aesthetic surgery to reduce excess skin.
Rapid weight loss?
It is possible to lose up to 70% of the target weight during the first six months after surgery, allowing patients to regain mobility and increase their self-esteem. After one year and through the completion of physical exercise agility will also increase notably.
Are the results permanent?
One of the biggest keys to bariatric surgery is maintaining a close collaboration between doctor and patient. Regular follow-ups are an essential part of the treatment. If you follow the instructions of our nutritionists your results will be superb. In general, after about a year and a half (depending on the case) your weight will be considered stabilized, although we will continue following up with you to confirm that you have adopted the new eating habits.
¿Sabías que aumentarás tu esperanza de vida hasta en 15 años?
Llámanos sin ningún compromiso. El Dr. Calleja Kempin evaluará tu caso y te aconsejará sobre el mejor tratamiento a tu disposición, solucionando todas las dudas que puedas tener. Sin intermediarios ni comerciales.
Tu salud es lo primero.